Radon Testing & Mitigation in Southern California
Concerned about radon levels in your property? Call Direct AC today to schedule radon testing and mitigation in your area. We perform radon services in Riverside, Orange, and San Diego Counties.
Get in touch with us!

What is Radon?
Where does it Come From?
Radon is found virtually everywhere and is a problem in many homes throughout Riverside County. This is one of the most common questions we receive when it comes to radon. Simply put, radon is an odorless and invisible radioactive gas that seeps up from the ground naturally. It comes from the decomposition of radioactive elements in the ground, including uranium and thorium. As the breakdown of these elements take place, radon gas is released and makes its way up to the soil surface. Radon can get into homes and buildings through cracks and holes in the foundation. Radioactive particles from the radon gas can get trapped in your lungs when you breathe. As the particles continue to breakdown in your lungs, they release small bursts of energy causing damage to lung tissue and can even lead to lung cancer. In fact, radon contributes to roughly 21,000 deaths per year in the United States. There is no known safe level of radon.
According to the EPA, Riverside County’s radon levels fall in zone 2, which puts us at moderate potential risk. Getting your home tested is the only way to know your radon levels. Installing a radon reduction system can reduce radon levels up to 99%.
Direct AC can help with radon testing and mitigation. We serve Riverside, Corona, Temecula, and surrounding areas. Contact our experts today to book an immediate appointment.
What are the Symptoms of Radon in Your Home?
Radon can affect any home: old or new, well-sealed or not. It’s difficult to tell if you have high levels of radon in your home without performing a test. You often won’t know you have this problem until you begin to experience early signs of lung cancer, which can include chest pains, difficulty breathing, and persistent coughs.
On average, one out of every fifteen homes in the U.S. has a radon problem. Radon moves up through the ground to the air above and into your home through cracks and other holes in the foundation. The radon then gets trapped inside the home and can begin to build up.
The only way to find out if you have radon in your home is to test for it. If you have household members who suffer from chronic respiratory conditions, or if you are planning to buy or sell a home, it’s a good idea to have the property tested for radon. Contact Direct AC to speak with our experts and schedule radon testing in Riverside, Corona, or Temecula.

How Does Radon Testing Work?
When you hire a certified radon tester such as Direct AC, we will use special equipment to detect radon levels in your home. These include both active and passive testing devices.
Testing is done using an approved measurement device. Testing can be done to analyze radon potential over a short period of time OR the average of radon exposure over a longer period of time. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency suggests testing your home every two years as radon levels can fluctuate with time.
Active radon testing equipment includes continuous radon monitors. As the name suggests, these devices continuously assess your indoor air for radon (typically for two or three days).
Passive radon testing devices include liquid scintillators, electret ion chamber detectors, charcoal canisters, and alpha-track detectors. These devices are left in your home for a certain length of time, then submitted to a lab for further analysis.
Our qualified radon testers will explain the testing process in detail and discuss the best devices to use based on your particular needs. Once the test is complete and lab results are returned, we will schedule a second visit to review the results and discuss your options for radon mitigation.
Servicing Area
At Direct AC we work hard to ensure a seamless process for all your heating and cooling needs. In fact, most of our clients are repeat customers that enjoy the unparalleled comfort and peace of mind they receive from our professionals. We believe that your health and quality of life can be directly related to your indoor environment.
Our Service Area
Our Radon Mitigation Process
If the results of your radon test come back high, we can help you with radon mitigation.
There are several ways to prevent radon from entering your home. The following are radon mitigation systems our experts can provide for you, depending on your specific needs:
Sub-slab depressurization: This system pulls radon from under your foundation and allows it to be safely vented outside.
Sub-membrane sealing: For homes with crawl spaces, we will seal the dirt floor of the crawl space as well as the walls with a plastic cover. We will then fit a radon pipe through the plastic so the radon in your crawl space can be vented outside.
Block wall (drain tile suction): This method involves installing a pipe in the drain tile to effectively direct radon out and away from your home.
Our radon mitigation professionals will provide you with the following:
- A detailed, written plan for reducing radon levels in your home
- Installation of the most appropriate radon-reduction system for your home
- A second radon test to ensure that the mitigation plan is effective
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Contact our certified radon testing and mitigation professionals
For immediate service in Riverside, Corona, or Temecula.